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- My district has specific goals, cut scores, and assessments that focus on student growth in math fact automaticity. 


- My elementary school has made individual student growth a school-wide improvement goal for this school year due to a number of our students entering the next grade level either above or slightly above grade level. It has been a focus to push those students further to achieve maximum growth, rather than settling for proficiency.

- There is a need for this action plan because first grade students in the district are required to meet a cut score on the Spring Math Computation Assessment. 

- This Math Computation Assessment has been the grade level smart goal for first grade for the last 4 years, including this year.

- In my school district, the first grade teachers have placed a large focus on mastering single and two digit-addition and subtraction facts. 

- One student did not meet the Fall cut score of 9 for the grade level criteria according to the AimsWeb Computation Score.
-3 out of 19 students MET the SPRING cut score of 39 for the grade level criteria according to the AimsWeb Computation Score. 
-This AIMSweb data on my students Math Computation scores showed they had a great deal of growth to make before meeting or exceeding the spring cut score. 
-While almost all of my students met the Fall cut score, the jump from 9 to 39 by the end of the year is large and because the previous first grade classes have not met their goals, I knew that it would be a tough goal to meet. 

-It is expected that all First Grade students master both addition and subtraction facts of whole numbers before moving on to Second Grade. If not, they have the potential for later becoming remedial students in math.


- With automatic recall of math facts, students can use more resources to help different procedural and conceptual components.

-The goal at the end of the year is to have all students meet the Spring cut score of 39 on the AIMSweb Math Computation Assessment. Since the Fall cut score is 9, this is a jump of 30 points to meet the Spring cut score. My students were all across the board on this assessment, but all students had areas for growth. The baseline data below shows that my students needed to improve and/or extend their math fact automaticity and number sense. 


Baseline Data
Anchor 1
District Background

-Data provided in this chart is the Fall AIMSweb scores from the 19 First Grade students who participated in this study. The AIMSweb Math Computation assessment is an 8 minute timed test with mixed addition and subtraction facts. Students must score a 39 on the Spring test to be considered established. 

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