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Action Plan

Every Tuesday we supplemented our regular curriculum for a growth and extension lesson. During this math block, students were either working on independent skills using iXL on the computers, learning a new math game, or working with the teacher on a skill. The picture to the left shows what our classroom looks like during our "Tuesday groups."
Each small group was determined based on their specific needs. 
The largest group of students worked on math fact fluency. These students solved one-digit addition and subtraction problems and worked on applying those skills to two-digit addition and subtraction problems. We had discussions about place value and how knowing our tens and ones helps us solve two-digit problems.
The next group worked solely on number sense. These students received practice on place value and knowing and understanding how to solve two-digit addition and subtraction. 
The extension group worked on applying knowledge from adding one- and two-digit numbers to addition that requires them to carry or regroup.

Math with the Teacher
When students were at this station, they met at the carpet with the teacher. The students got a differentiated lesson that focused on the skill of the day. All students learned essentially the same skills, but were slightly differentiated to the needs of each group. 
Math with Someone
There were no more than 4 students at this station at a time. Depending on the game, students worked in partners or a small group to play the math game. Each week, the math games were changed to meet the topic we were learning that week. The games require the students to apply the skills that they learned.  
Math with Technology
At this station, students were working independently on an iPad. Students were given seven different apps to use to enhance their addition and subtraction skills. These apps required students to apply number sense and addition and subtraction strategies. Once a week, students used Xtra Math on the computers to solely practice addition fact fluency.
Math by Myself
Lastly, at this station students were working independently on the math sheet for the day. Students left Math With the Teacher to go to this station, so they felt prepared and were ready to practice the strategies or skills taught. 
*The above-level group went to Math By Myself first, without additional instruction from the teacher. When this group met with the teacher, we extended the lesson to apply the strategies to include more complex problems.
The Xtra Math computer program was implemented in my classroom for 9 weeks. Students practiced math facts on a computer 1-2 times a week. While using the program, students worked specifically on single digit addition facts. As the students progressed, Xtra Math focused more on the missing skills for each student. When students answered a problem correctly in 3 seconds, the fact was considered "fluent." If the students answered the problem correctly in 10 seconds, the fact was correct, but would show up again in later practice to encourage a more fluent response time. 

Skill Groups


Math Stations

I implemented math stations into my math instruction this year. Math stations are similar to guided math, where students meet with the teacher, math with someone (game), math with technology, and math by myself.
Math stations were an effective way to teach math because the teacher can focus on specific skills with small groups of students. It was also easily managed because students were either working independently or with a partner at a different station. 

Timeline of implementation

February 1st
March 31st
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